Our primary motive at Korangi Fish Harbour Authority is to move forward with a Business-Friendly Policy to create a more congenial business environment for increasing Fish & its value-added products’ Exports to earn Foreign Exchange for Pakistan.

Secondly, implementation of Deep-Sea Fishing Policy for sustainable commercial fishing through Joint Venture, elimination of IUU/ primitive/ juvenile fishing practices is the need of the hour to save and replenish the fish stock in Pakistani Waters. Fishermen’s Awareness campaigns under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) could prove an effective tool in educating the fishermen to adopt modern fishing techniques.

The establishment of Business Park at KoFHA and complete implementation of the project, there is a potential of creation of approximately 10,000 job opportunities at KoFHA as well as thousands of indirect opportunities in attached ancillaries/ industry.

Korangi Fish Harbour can play a vital role in minimizing the congestion at Karachi Fish Harbour through shifting mid/ long sized fishing trawlers as well as in providing better facilities to local fishermen of Ibrahim Haidery & vicinity.

The enforcement and implementation of Marine fish/shrimp aquaculture through ponds and cages along the sea coast can make substantial increase in fish production of the Country.

Managing Director